Hear from happy customers!
"I have always wanted a pair of the original boots but just couldn't justify paying $150+ for them. I had been eyeing a pair of originals, but still had reservations about the hefty price tag for boots made of synthetic materials. I came across these boots while browsing through social media and decided to give them a chance.
I just received them today, but so far I'm very impressed with the quality of the materials and the super comfortable, cushiony fit. They fit my feet snugly but comfortably and I'm sure they'll stretch out a bit as I break them in. The rich color and quality materials make these boots look almost identical to their original counterparts. I definitely recommend these boots!
Update: I wore these boots for our Christmas Eve family gathering. The boots were warm, comfortable, supportive, and the suede uppers held up wonderfully in drizzly slightly rainy weather with no water stains or marks whatsoever. They even stretched out a tad so they are even more comfortable with thicker socks!"
- Samantha Crowder